LAS VEGAS (AP) - Stone Temple Pilot frontman Scott Weiland is once again in trouble with the law.
The singer was arrested around 2 a.m. Monday (Nov. 18) morning at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on domestic violence charges, according to the incident report filed at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
As stated in the police report, this is what happened: "Weiland states she and her husband of one and a half years, Scott Weiland, had a verbal argument over prescription medication that had been prescribed by a Dr. Cary Logan. In an attempt to stop Scott from leaving the room, Mary sat in front of the door. Scott became physical when he physically removed Mary from the front of the door. He did this by forcefully grabbing her arms and moving her to the right side of the door. He then pushed Mary against the wall several times. Scott then left the room. As the result of the altercation, Mary has some bruising on her left bicep, as well as her right bicep."
According to the report, hotel security placed the call to 911. As is standard procedure, Polaroids were taken of the evidence and Weiland's wife was given a domestic violence information card. Weiland was held in custody for 12 hours.
Weiland was released in time to make STP's scheduled show at the Hard Rock Hotel's The Joint Monday evening. Although the arrest was not mentioned, the singer reportedly told the crowd, "I may be a failure at love, but I've written a few good tunes in my life," as quoted by ABC News Radio.
Calls to Atlantic Records for comment were not returned at press time.
Weiland has remained trouble-free in the last year, or since his release from prison in early 2000 on drug charges. Since his first drug arrest in May of 1995, the singer has been in and out of jail, and was sentenced to a one-year prison term in 1999.
Weiland and Forsberg were married in May of last year and became parents of a baby boy later that year