LOS ANGELES (www.crissangel.com) - Master provocateur Criss Angel, whose A&E series "Criss
Angel Mindfreak" debuted last week (airs weekly on Wednesday) at 10 p.m. ET/9 p.m. CT, will make appearances at the July 27 and July 30 Ozzfest dates in Holmdel, N.J., and Chicago.
Angel will have a tented area where he will be available to interact with fans and sign autographs from 12 noon to 3 p.m. He will periodically perform close demonstrations including razor blades, metal bending, and mentalism outside of the tent.
Angel will also take the stage to introduce Rob Zombie.
A&E has had an ongoing presence throughout the tour, which began on July 15 and ends on
September 8, promoting Angel's series. A custom two-minute Criss
Angel "mini-movie" that airs on the main stage preceding a headlining artist for each show, along with an exhibition of Criss
Angel 30-second promo spots on closed-circuit monitors throughout the festival grounds.
Angel Mindfreak" follows
Angel as he captivates audiences with mind-boggling demonstrations of his skills; behind-the-scenes as he researches and executes his demonstrations with his crew; and as he meets celebrity friends who drop by to willingly participate in his antics. "Criss
Angel Mindfreak" is an eerily entertaining series that juxtaposes reality with surreality
Angel completed his most recent demonstration, "Oasis," Tuesday, July 19 at 8:58 a.m. in New York City's Bryant Park. One of Angel's most challenging escapes saw him in a sealed airtight chamber, then submerged in a 4' x 8' x 8' tank, surrounded by 2,000 gallons of water. It took
Angel just over 24 hours - eight hours less than the 33-hour time limit set to escape - and appear on top of a brand new black Pontiac Torrent parked a hundred feet away, surrounded by awestruck fans and media.