SYDNEY, Australia (SONY BMG Australia) - Calling all Foo Fans - be sure to get yourselves down to Fox Studios in Sydney this Monday night (May 30) from 4:00pm for Channel [V]'s What U Want. The band will be performing tracks off their forthcoming album " In Your Honor" - out on June 12. It's a free gig - so make the most of it! If you haven't heard about the fresh approach taken on the new double album "In Your Honor", make you sure you read all about it below. This is the album that, as Dave Grohl puts its: "In 20 years, when some kid asks his dad, 'You ever hear of Foo Fighters? Which record should I get?' They should say In Your Honor. Like if you wanna hear some Led Zeppelin? Get Physical Graffiti. That's exactly what I want to happen with this record. I want people to say 'Wow, that's the album they'll be remembered for.'"