Green Bay, WI. (www.Ghettofied.org) - In an effort to rally supporters for community organizations combating Aids, homelessness, under-privileged or at-risk youth, the sound of music has taken the driver's seat. Rap artist GHETTOFIED while promoting the single 'GET GOOD' off of their second album 'CLASSIC' have taken on a more important roll than just entertaining. Victor Barnett; Director and founder of The Running Rebels Community Organization 1300A W. Fond du lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 said 'I Know that rap has a negative image but I don't buy into that because everybody who rap is not negative. We are currently helping young people find jobs and other things like shelter. We also provide snacks for the youth who may have not eaten. This and other contribution is needed to help with the costs and to keep our staff functioning. I don't see anything wrong with a person giving back to the community.' The benefit tour which will include opening acts such as Maradrama, Baby Don and specially invited acts Twista and D 12 starts off in Milwaukee, WI on May 9th 2005 will wrap up around June 30th ending in Minneapolis, MN. Artist Paperwork, one-half of the group states, 'I feel it is my responsibility to try to right some of the wrongs I have witnessed or may have perpetuated in my lifetime.' The new album which includes guest appearances by Universal recording artist Baby Dru and Tommy Boy recording artist Coo Coo Cal, have some of the same harsh lyrics many say glorify and condone violence, mistreatment of women and the very same criminal element that they speak out against. 'In most cases a captive audience is a more receptive audience,' Said Key-money the other half of the duo. 'We don't feel that the means of justifying an end is as important as the end itself, at the end of the day what can anyone say they've done to help someone or help change the world.' Other programs set to receive contributions for this area are The New Community Shelter, Inc 301 Mathers Street Green Bay, WI and the Salvation Army 130 E. North Street Appleton, WI. Even with all the steam from dedicated participants sponsors are still needed.