YORK (MC Spice Website) Eric Clapton's " Tears In Heaven" touched the
hearts of millions who've lost loved ones, and
producer/songwriter/actor/rapper, MC Spice gets by with a little help
from Calpton in the rap adaptation of the collossal hit which Clapton
wrote as an ode to his son. "I've always been a fan of Clapton
since Steely Dan. That voice is just smooth as butter. I remember
checkin' out "Hey 19" and I knew he musta been cool to aknowledge
Aretha franklin in a song," says Spice via telephone at his home in
Boston, Masachusetts. The rapper is responsible for the platinum
success of actor Mark Wahlberg who performed as 'Marky Mark & The
Funky Bunch,' netting Interscope Records millions of dollars. Spice
digs deep into his soul and expresses the loss of loved ones, including
his grandmother and his deejay, Wessy Wess who was murdered gangland
style in Boston. The pain of the artist is felt throughout the music
and is easily identifiable with all who've gone through times of
mourning. Each verse is topped off with Clapton's signature sound. Currently,
Spice is doing extensive work in urban comunities promoting Bipolar
awareness and helping children aflicted with the disorder to better
cope with the illness. Diagnosed with Bipolar ten years ago, Spice
explains his bout with the disorder in the song, "My Mind Is A
Battlefield," and acts as a liason between the Child & Adolescent
Bipolar Foundation and young urban mothers and thir children.