The Nervous System) Instrumentation: Sol Storm - MC and singer Touch - guitar and sounds Mere - bass, backup vocals Casual T - drums and samples Polarity Plus - MC Eclipse - MC The
Nervous System - raw, powerful lyrics over a fiery combination of live
instrumentation and programmed beats. The group is gaining a loyal
local following, and has opened for national acts including Talib Kweli
and Rob Base. Their live performance at NYC's Lovesexy was filmed by
MDE Entertainment for their pilot episode of "The Jumpoff" and also
includes interviews with the band. Their debut album "Controlled
Substance" is available for pre-order online and exclusively for
hometown fans at stores in CT. The album is currently on the Top 40
Chart at college radio. Polarity Plus � Producer/lyricist sends
chills up your spine with the realities you can usually push out of
your mind. No individual is spared his razor sharp inspection � all at
a pace that will leave you heaving. Sol Storm � A force of
nature ranging from the sweetest breeze to the fiercest tornado. Sol
Storm sings you to sleep, but wakes you up to the harsh light of the
truth like a slap to the face. Eclipse � Rhyming off the top
with divine inspiration, he finds words to describe life's mysteries.
With a sense of humor and a clear eye, he can weave tales from car
chases to obsessed exes.