HOBOKEN, NJ (Soular Sausage Productions LLC) - Ludacris' DTP sure is disturbing the peace. But it's an unlikely member of the family; one who is not officially signed to DTP, which is making the most noise. The latest music from 4Ize, a chi-town native with that southern twang, is all about getting 'Ron Artes..' in the club, rather than on the court. Produced by LT Moe, who most recently appeared on Ludacris' Red Light District album, the solid club hit is the first from 4Ize's 'Fantastik IV' solo debut (release date TBA). DOWNLOAD & LISTEN TO THE CLUB BANGER 'RON ARTES': https://www.the-soulution.com//MP3%20files/ron_artes.mp3 (direct link) WHO IS 4-IZE???? Click on www.4ize.com for more info "MOUTHING OFF" LUDACRIS FT. 4-IZE (FROM BACK FOR THE FIRST TIME 3X PLATINUM ALBUM-2000) https://www.soularsausage.com/mouthing.mp3 "HOOLIGANS" 4-IZE FT. LUDACRIS (FROM 4-IZE'S BEST OF THE BEST MIXTAPE-2004) https://www.cuttingedgeculture.com/4IZE_Hooligans_Ft_Luda.mp3 CLICK THE LINK TO DOWNLOAD 4-IZE'S DIGITAL PORTFOLIO https://www.4ize.com/dloads/4ize_DP1.ppt About Missing Link Music LLC With over 200 producers and songwriters in R&B and Hip-hop, Missing Link Music is an administrator for music publishing, with capabilities for collecting royalties domestically and worldwide. With A&R and support services available to our clients, Missing Link Music specializes in music placement agreements from television, commercials, ring tones and so forth. www.4ize.com For more information on this press release call 1 718 598 5131