YORK (CITY CANYONS RECORDS) - Valerian is a contemporary alternative
band with a touch of 80's metal that was picked by legendary music
critic, Chuck Eddy of the Village Voice, as one of the top current hard
rock albums in his Eddytor's Choice column in the Voice. David Steele
combines a voice with the power and intimacy of Sting with music that
recalls Coldplay and David Grey. The Record Buyer (UK) describes
"Underneath the Ice" as "an excellent debut that grows in power with
repeated plays." "Intimations of Sorrow" and "Underneath the Ice" are available online at https://www.citycanyons.com, at Tower Records online, at CD Baby and at Bullmoose Records and independent record stores throughout New England. Radio
promotions for the City Canyons releases are being handled by music
industry veterans, Planetary Music in Boston and by Twin Vision Ltd in
Brooklyn, New York.