LONDON, UK (Mark Morrison Fans Website) - Kevin Campbell (Everton Football player) has lost the latest round of a court battle to stop R&B star Mark Morrison releasing his latest album. A High Court judge lifted an injunction obtained by Campbell which banned Morrison from releasing the record. The judge on Monday ruled a further injunction should not be granted and Morrison is now free to release the record, Innocent Man. Morrison, one of UK's biggest R&B stars - jailed in 1998 for hiring a stand-in to carry out his community service - said he was pleased with the decision. 'The album will now again be available to all,' he said in a statement. Earlier he had said: 'The Mack will return - and no judge is gonna stop him.' Kevin Campbell spokesman said: 'Kevin is disappointed that the injunction was not continued. However, if the album is released we will pursue Mark Morrison and companies for breach of copyright. Campbell had spent hundreds of thousands of pounds recording and promoting the album. Ever since I was a little boy I've had two passions - football and music. I've worked hard to realise my ambition in football but had hoped that my future career would be in the music business. I have always dreamt of starting a record label but now Mark Morrison has spoilt that dream for me. There is no loyalty in this business - just greed.