TEMPE, AZ. (www.stormwithin.com) -
Storm Within had the honor of opening for
Drowning Pool on November 21, 2004 at the Marquee Theatre in Tempe, Arizona. We were very excited not only to be invited to photograph
Storm Within at the performance, but to spend time with them backstage...
David and I are greeted at the back doors by lead guitarist Michael Redstone. He leads us to Debra Darlene, who presents us with our highly coveted backstage wristbands. I would be lying if I said it doesn't feel great strutting past the envious fans, displaying our wrists to the guards on duty, past the
Drowning Pool equipment cases, walking up the stairs, and, at last, into the inner sanctum! The room is filled with the band and their entourage, as well as members of Red Headed Stepchylde, the other local band playing tonight. Debra Darlene is frantically trying to find a radio, because she heard Larry Mac is going to feature
Storm Within during his Red
Radio Underground Local 98 show. Unfortunately she can't find one, and we later hear that Larry played two
Storm Within songs during his show.
David and I are backstage virgins. Hey! There's got to be a first time for everyone! Until we actually experienced it, we imagined being backstage was all about rock stars partying and free beer. It's true that the beer flowed freely and for free, but that isn't what it's all about...
We have gotten to know the band members pretty well in the last month or so. Tonight's experience gives us even more insight. The members of
Storm Within take their art very seriously. If you think they just run out and put on the intense performance they do, you are kidding yourself. Tonight, we get to observe how each member prepares to rock your world. These four very different personalities each do it in his or her own way...
Lead guitarist Michael Redstone alternates spending time playing riffs in the dressing room and pacing the theatre itself. His energy is too intense to be contained by the dressing room alone. He kindly stops to talk to the many fans who approach him, as well as the volunteers at the
Storm Within merchandise booth.
Drummer Benny Dickson seems to be the mellowest member of the band. He spends some of his time rubbing elbows with Mike Luce, the drummer of Drowning Pool. Benny has spent most of his life making music of one kind or another. He seems confident that he will go out and wow the audience with his high energy performance.
The youngest band member is bass player, Chuck Klee. Chuck is what many of us think of when we think about rockers. That his craft is important to him is shown by the great amount of time he spends preparing for the show, his fingers flying effortlessly over the strings of his bass. The rest of the time, he is out working the crowd, the ladies in particular.
Tonight he invited four different women to see him perform. I won't tell you what happens, I'll let you use your imagination instead!
At last we come to vocalist, Debra Darlene. When we get back stage,
David is anxious to start taking pictures of her right away. (If you want to know why he's so anxious, see photos at www.azbandwatch.com!) But she won't allow him to snap any, because she is putting on her makeup. We are momentarily confused because Debra needs makeup as much as a rose needs perfume. Then I remember she is talking about stage makeup, so the people at the back of the theatre can still see her eyes!
Debra is more intense this evening than I have ever seen her before. Debra is the driving force behind
Storm Within. She keeps track of every aspect of the band. She is also the band perfectionist. The room is crowded and noisy with excitement. Shortly before they are scheduled to go on, Debra clears the room. Like a warrior preparing for battle, she needs time to meditate in privacy.
Red Headed Stepchylde has put on a killer performance. There is a burst of activity as members of both bands and their friends help each other clear one set of equipment and set up another. It is obvious both bands respect each other's artistic talent.
It's time now...
Storm Within hits the stage. Most of the audience has wandered off during the break between bands. The guys begin to play, their music building in intensity like a storm. Then Debra runs on stage and begins to sing. The audience comes racing back to see and listen. You can tell by their faces they are having a hard time believing how hard this woman rocks! Debra whips the audience into a near frenzy with her powerful vocals and body language, that surely has most of the predominately male audience wondering just how harsh a mistress she would be. (Keep dreaming, guys!) She then quiets them down again, by undulating her body in front of the now mesmerized audience. Well before the first number is through,
Storm Within has established control. The audience never stood a chance!
Ever supportive of the local scene, the members of Red Headed Stepchylde and I spend much of the set watching
Storm Within from offstage and cheering them on.
David is in his glory, taking pictures of
Storm Within as they give it their all...
Suddenly it's the last number - "The Damned". Mike is giving the audience his A game. Running, jumping, spinning around, even doing a backbend, all while never missing a note! Would someone explain to me how he does that? The fans are cheering and Chuck feeds off their energy and sends it back to them. The song is almost over, when suddenly Benny gets up, walks around the drum set to the front and plays his drum solo standing up. The audience goes wild! Benny ends his solo by throwing his sticks into the crowd. Lots of people dive for them. Mike tosses some picks into the audience and more madness ensues.
And then it is over. Another frantic burst of activity takes place as both bands help pull
Storm Within's equipment off the stage to ready it for Drowning Pool. We all stick around to watch
Drowning Pool perform, and to relax. It's been a very long day for
David and me, and a really long week for
Storm Within.
Drowning Pool leaves the stage. We are allowed backstage again. I take the opportunity to snap a picture of
David standing next to Drowning Pool's skull mike stand. Cool!
Drowning Pool decompresses, they come out of their touring bus and sign autographs for those who were patient and willing to wait half an hour in hopes they would show.
David snaps a few pictures of me with Drowning Pool's bass player, Stevie Benton, and with their lead singer, Jason "Gong" Jones, who makes this woman's day by putting his arm around me!
Drowning Pool and
Storm Within band members graciously sign autographs and pose for pictures with fans until everyone is satisfied.
Drowning Pool allows
David to take group pictures of them with the members of
Storm Within and Red Headed Stepchylde. C. J. Pierce, guitarist for Drowning Pool, gives Debra a big hug and compliments her and
Storm Within's performance!
Benny asks me if I got a
Storm Within t-shirt yet. I unzip my leather jacket to display my beautiful, new
Storm Within tank top which I love, and not just because world-class charmer Chuck says I look hot in it! (Yes, we are standing outside in the cold, dark night, and yes, he has perhaps had a bit too much to drink, but darn it, I am taking the compliment and cherishing it!)
This has been an evening I hope to someday tell my future grandchildren about. Thank you
Storm Within, for sharing your world with us!
https://www.stormwithin.com Listen here: