PARIS, France (Capitol Records) - On Sunday November 28th, Van Hunt will shoot his new video for "Dust" in the City of Light, Paris, France. This your chance to see Van in person, have some fun, and possibly be seen in his video. The video will be directed by Sanaa Hamri who has worked with great artists like Prince and Lenny Kravitz. Please email-me at [email protected] for more info and forward this message to friends who might also be interested. Thank you, Alexandre Schmitt 1st Assistant Director French translation:
Dimanche 28 Novembre, Van Hunt va tourner son nouveau clip pour le single "Dust" a Paris. C'est l'occasion de le rencontrer personnellement, de passer un bon moment, et d'etre peut-etre vu dans son nouveau clip. Le clip est realiser par Sanaa Hamri qui a travaille avec des artistes comme Prince et Lenny Kravitz. Envoyez-moi un email a [email protected] pour plus d'informations et n'hesitez pas a faire passer ce message a tous vos amisqui pourrait etre interesse. Merci, Alexandre Schmitt 1er Assistant Realisateur