NEW YORK (www.holyhiphop.com) - 1. The Spiritual Lyricist: 'No Greater Love'
My inspiration for this song came from the Holy
Spirit as one day I was thinking about the love God has for us to the point that he would give his only Son. I hope the song reaches the lost and pierces their hearts and minds to encourage them to give the Lord a chance, for he gave them one, and to exhort and teach the believer and beseech them to help win the lost.
THE SPIRITUAL LYRICIST - In the fall of 1976, Edward L. Williams was born to Edward Sr. and
Grace Williams. However, 20 years later in the fall on 1996, the Spiritual Lyricist was born. At birth, the Holy
Spirit was heavily upon this future man of God. It was only a matter of time before God would purge, refine and reshape this broken vessel. The call on his life is to take the youth to a higher level in the anointing of God; To expand their knowledge of God and enhance their love for God; and To Be able to preach and teach through music.
2. Karusso: 'Why I Write'
Why I Write was written to make it plain for all to see that vanity and self-indulgence are of no worth. From women and cars to fortune and fame the reason why people write has become evident. Self-indulgence has replaced meaning, and vanity has replaced a message to the masses. After being faced with such a saddening truth, I began to question the very reason why I write music. Why I write is not just another song but a declaration to anyone who seeks to challenge the reason behind Karusso's music.
Israel Rosales on August 22, 1981, Karusso has always had one goal in mind and that is to reach out to young people with a message of truth and healing. No sadder commentary do we have than this 'A fatherless generation with any hope for a future". Karusso knows this first hand, this being the story of his life. Karusso knows how important and influential music can be and how far it can carry a message. Having known this, Karusso has made it his heart's cry to bring a message of hope, restoration, love, and forgiveness to the streets and to young people across the nation. Through his music he has chosen to speak his life in hopes of offering a better life through Jesus Christ. Husband to
Cherish and father to son Joel.
3. Sean Slaughter: 'Die Daily'
Die Daily is hard. Because of our belief in Christ 'we are like sheep to slaughter' everyday, hence the title Die Daily. This song's lyrics talk about the undying dedication to become God's soldier. Die Daily has the feeling of a warrior in the midst of battle; scarred, bruised and weary, but unwilling to leave without a victory. Sean Slaughter spits this anthem for God's chosen.
SEAN SLAUGHTER - Sean Slaughter uses the simple tool of music, especially Holy Hip Hop, to convey the timeless message of Christ to a culture so driven by times. "And the easiest way to get any message, point, or view across is in the package of music" says Sean. "It make the message easier to digest and understand". Sean is an international artist and youth minister, traveling worldwide in over 100 concerts a year proclaiming the Gospel to a young nation endangered. He has released 3 CD's including: And
Justice for All (1999), The World is not Enough (2001) and Tha Dungeon: Underground Classics Chapter 1 (2002). He's been interviewed and hosted the 'Praise the Lord' program on TBN. He's also been interviewed on CBN's 'Turning Point'. In Concerts, he uses his testimony to relate and reach young people right where they are. And he uses rap to deliver the power packed message of the Gospel.
4. Indascreet: 'Miracles'
Miracles is a track for the whole family, young or old! Indascreet known for his infectious hooks does it again on this one. The song speaks of the many Miracles the Lord ahs done for Indascreet, then goes on to speak of the Miracles that Jesus did for others
INDASCREET - Growing up in the streets of Broward County, Florida, Indascreet was forced to make many decisions that adversely affected his life. During his High School years he and a group of friends known as 5 MIC ENTERTAINMENT performed at many local Battles and Talent Shows. However it was the decision he made in February 2004, to accept Christ Jesus as his Savior that would most affect his own life along with the lives of many others. Soon after this Indascreet began to realize that through his
Music he had the ability to reach out to many of his other brothers and sisters in the world. In the spring of 2004, with the help of longtime friend Big J and new friend M-ON Fire, Indascreet was able to help start a very young Youth Movement in South Florida, known simply as Off The Cross.
Listen to Holy Hip Hop: Taking the Gospel to the Streets, Vol.2 -
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