NEW YORK (Road Runner Records) - What is the latest in the land of Trivium? The band's debut Roadrunner CD is still on schedule for a February 2005 release. Check. Some other doings you may or may not be aware of, are as follows: - Paul Romano ( Work Hardened Studios) will be doing all of the artwork/graphics for the band's upcoming CD, titled Ascendancy. Frontman Matt Heafy has provided Paul with his original artwork, story & concept for the release, and Paul will take it to a whole 'nother level. As the boys in the band report, what they have seen so far looks awesome. - Most of the studio work is completed. Just some minor tracking is still in the works. Next on the list of making an album, mixing. Mixing will likely be done by Sir Andy Sneap, in Derbyshire, England. Matt, along with drummer Travis, will be leaving for England early November to work with Andy during the final mixing of Ascendancy. - Oh, and when was the last time you ordered merch or music off www.trivium.org? Well, if you have done it, you should have your goods by now, as the band recently got all backorders filled. Trivium thanks you for the support and patience. Till next time, Tivium Ascendancy coming early 2005