LONDON, UK (www.davelindley.me.uk) - Dave Lindley, winner of the Hypocrisy Award at 2003's Online Rock Festival has released an EP called 'Then And Now And Then' exclusively on his website https://www.davelindley.me.uk. The best thing about this is that it is completely FREE! Says Dave 'This is one of the great things about being an independent artist, control over your own music and your own releases. This gives people a chance to own these six tracks without having to pay a penny. I believe it is a music artists duty to give something back to the people who support them and not just cash in at every available opportunity.' 'This is something major label artists cannot do and I hope to play a part in showing music fans that what we independent artists do has quality and passion.' The EP is available as an MP3 download on https://www.davelindley.me.uk The Get Me Music artist https://www.getmemusic.com has been a champion of independent music for the past 5 years. 'It's about the future. It seems to me the established music industry is stuck in the old world. They can't take the chances to develop artists. Artists, such as myself, are less and less relient on others to create our music. We have the technology at our disposal to record, release and promote our music by ourselves, effectively cutting out the middle man.' Dave is currently working on a new album due for release by the end of the year. https://www.davelindley.me.uk