LOS ANGELES (Rufftown Entertainment/ www.rufftown.com) - Two-time Grammy-Nominated RENE, formerly of RENE & ANGELA, the hit making duo who brought us "Your Smile," "My First Love," "I'll Be Good," "You Don't Have To Cry" and a number of other hits is back on the scene, flowing like never before.
RENE has now gone solo and is certain to show the music industry what performing is, once more. The new CD will be in stores October 26th, 2004 on the Rufftown Entertainment record label, distributed by Ryko/WEA.
His new project is already impacting radio at WBLS, New York, WWIN, Baltimore, WHUR, Washington DC, KJLH, Los Angeles and a number of other radio stations across the nation. Black Entertainment Television has already started airing his most exciting video, which you can also access on Launch.com.
RENE will be on a thirty city tour starting the beginning of December 2004, with none other than the songbird herself, AMEL LARRIEUX. The two of them are sure to leave a sizzling fire wherever they tread. RENE singing his old hits as well as his new release called "All Nite Long" on his "STREET SONGZ" PROJECT is sure to leave the ladies in a pansy, and AMEL LARRIEX will do what she does best, leave them all begging for more.
For the past few years RENE has been producing, writing, and perfecting his melodic skills in preparation for this new release. The CD, Street Songz, contains titles, such as "Never Let You Cry Again," which will be music to every girls ear, "I've Always Wanted," a perfect song for every female to fantasize their guy saying to them, "Who," which will cause not only females, but males alike to ask themselves the question, who are you going to turn to, when your world is upside down.
"The freshman release on the CD, "All Nite Long" is getting rave reviews, and definitely puts lovers in the mood for love. Then there is another great song on the CD that is in a class all of its own called "I'll Be Your Man." This is a song that just sweeps you away. So look out world, here he comes.
With this artist you get it all, platinum hits, Grammy-nominations, ASCAP Awards, the works.
For live interviews, articles, pictures, press packages, etc. please call Ms. DeBose at 310-410-0200 or 310-410-8017. Email address, [email protected], and website-www.rufftown.com. You may also contact Karen Sundell of Rogers & Cowan Public Relations Firm at 310-854-8167.