DETROIT, MI. (60s Website) - Soul legendary singer Martha Reeves, 63, filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission because a legal contract listing her Social Security number was sold on eBay. Also Martha Reeves filed a $100 million lawsuit Monday against the Internet auction Website eBay. Reeves, the lead singer of Martha and the Vandellas, alleges her identity has been put at risk because a contract of Reeves that contained her signature and Social Security number was sold via eBay. There was intent to actually destroy me, said Reeves. That's something you keep secret ... your Social Security number and mine was exposed. 'You feel completely exposed,' Reeves said Sunday. 'They've got my Social Security number and signature. That's all they need to steal my identity.' The contract was between Martha and the Vandellas and NBC for a 1975 appearance on Saturday Night Live. The Reeves contract drew eight bids during a three-day auction and sold Thursday for $33.22.