UNIVERSAL CITY, CA. (Musicland Group PR) WHAT: To celebrate the release of his new book, Don't Try This At Home, former guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jane's Addiction, Dave Navarro, will sign copies of the book at the Universal City Walk Sam Goody store on Tuesday, October 12. Starting Tuesday, October 5, Don't Try This At Home will be available for purchase at the Universal City Walk Sam Goody store. Fans interested in attending the autograph signing must purchase the book at the store to receive a special wristband that will give them access to the event. Don't Try This At Home chronicles Navarro's 12-month restructure of his entire life - socially, artistically and chemically - with a photo booth serving as a way of systematizing the friends and strangers passing in and out of it. A diary, a sociology experiment, and an exercise in exhibitionism, Don't Try This At Home is laced with shocking stories, arresting images and other glimpses into the lifestyle of one of the most prolific rock stars of our time. WHEN: Book available Tuesday, October 5 Navarro autograph signing: Tuesday October 12, 7 p.m.
WHERE: Sam Goody Universal City Walk 1000 Universal Center Drive Universal City, Calif. NOTES: Navarro is not available for interviews but media is welcome to cover the event and interview fans.